


Are electric vehicle batteries less efficient in cold weather?

The cold affects the battery life, which can decrease by 20% to 30% depending on the temperature. The colder it is, the more autonomy will be reduced, all the more with the use of the heating system which alone can consume almost a third of the battery life. However, by taking precautions in very cold weather, such as preheating and plugging in the vehicle when it is stopped, the range of an electric vehicle in winter will be optimized.

Electric vehicles generally start their day with a fully charged battery and have the advantage of having hot air available immediately. In addition, even in winter, electric vehicles on the market have sufficient autonomy to meet the daily travel needs between the residence and the workplace of the majority of Quebecers, who average 45 kilometers.

Cold is not the only factor that influences battery life. The conditions of use (highway or city) and driving habits (intensity of acceleration, speed, etc.) greatly contribute to the energy performance of electric vehicles. For optimal use of the electric vehicle, the driver will have to change his habits, both in winter and in summer.

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